2,520 research outputs found

    The promotion strategies of disbudpar Surakarta in developing the tourism in Surakarta

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    This final project report is written based on the job training which was been done at DISBUDPAR Surakarta. The objectives of this report are to describes the promotion strategies of DISBUDPAR Surakarta, to find out the problems faced by DISBUDPAR Surakarta and the solutions to the problems faced by DISBUDPAR Surakarta in developing tourism in Surakarta. The data of this report are taken from observation and library study by collecting information from books, document, interview and other reliable literatures. Based on the observation conducted, conclusion can be drawn that DISBUDPAR did various promotion activities which are done continuously and organized. Promotion is done in order to create awareness among public about tourist attraction and also improve the tourist visit at Surakarta. There are several promotion activities done by DISBUDPAR, opening TIC, promoting tourism attraction, holding events and participating in national and international events, carrying out annual putra-putri Solo, and making coordination with other entertainment places. In relation to developing surakarta tourism, DISBUDPAR faced several problems. There are problem related to budget, bureaucracy and human resources. Therefore, the implementation of promotion activities by DISBUDPAR that were supported by proper budget, simple procedural administration system and reorganizing the schedule of DISBUDPAR officer is needed to develop surakarta tourism

    Sistem Informasi Reservasi Lapangan Futsal Berbasis Web dan Whatsapp Gateway Pada Bee Futsal

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    Abstract   This study discusses the making of a field reservation information system with the aim of making it easier for customers to make field reservations at Bee Futsal, making it easier for Bee Futsal staff in managing field reservation data, and minimizing the risk of data loss, and can simplify information about the time delay limit according to the schedule. determined. This information system development uses the programming language PHP, HTML, and Java Script and uses the MySQL database. This information system development method uses the waterfall method. The results of this study can be implemented in the form of a web-based field reservation information system and whatsapp gateway.   Keywords: Field Reservation, Information System, Web Based, Waterfall, Whatsapp Gateway   Abstrak   Penelitian ini membahas tentang pembuatan sistem informasi reservasi lapangan dengan tujuan untuk mempermudah customer dalam melakukan reservasi lapangan pada Bee Futsal, mempermudah staff Bee Futsal dalam pengelolaan data reservasi lapangan, dan meminimalisir resiko kehilangan data, Sisa mempermudah informasi mengenai batas keterlambatan waktu sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan.  Pengembangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, HTML, dan Java Script serta menggunakan database MySQL. Metode pengembangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan metode waterfall. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat diimplementasikan dalam bentuk sistem informasi reservasi lapangan berbasis web dan whatsapp gateway. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Berbasis Web, Reservasi Lapangan, Waterfall, Whatsapp Gateway


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    AbstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the mathematical concepts contained in the Malay Sambas engset game and the relationship between the mathematical concepts and the Malay Sambas engset game and to apply the Malay Sambas engset game in the form of LKPD in mathematics learning in class VIII junior high school in flat shape material. The form of research was qualitative with an ethnographic approach. Data collection tools in the form of a camera, interview guidelines, and observation guidelines. The object of this research was the engset Malay Sambas game in Kubangga village, Teluk Keramat sub-district related to playing tools, playing fields, playing rules, and how to play. The results showed that there were 9 mathematical concepts that exist in the Malay Sambas engset game related to playing tools, playing fields, playing rules, and how to play, namely the concept of flat shape, building space, congruence, reflection, mathematical logic, set, chance, counting, and number pattern.Keywords: Ethnomathematic Exploration, Engset Games, Mathematics Learnin

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Reservasi Lapangan Futsal Berbasis Web Dan Whatsapp Gateway Pada Bee Futsal

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang pembuatan sistem informasi reservasi lapangan dengan tujuan untuk mempermudah customer dalam melakukan reservasi lapangan pada Bee Futsal, mempermudah staff Bee Futsal dalam pengelolaan data reservasi lapangan, dan meminimalisir resiko kehilangan data, Sisa mempermudah informasi mengenai batas keterlambatan waktu sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan. Pengembangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, HTML, dan Java Script serta menggunakan database MySQL. Metode pengembangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan metode waterfall. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat diimplementasikan dalam bentuk sistem informasi reservasi lapangan berbasis web dan whatsapp gateway


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    The research conducted is a development research that adapts to the model by Plomp development model(2010) which consists of3 phases, they are the preliminary research phase, the prototyping phase, and theassessment phase. The purpose of this study is to find out how the process of developing learning devicesand how the results of the development of mathematics learning tools in junior high school level that applyguided discovery models for circle that meets valid, practical, and effective criteria. In this study, researcheruses several instruments such us Learning Implementation Plans, Student Worksheets, and AssessmentSheets; observation instrument sheet of the implementation of learning; students’ questionnaire responseinstruments and the instrument of validation sheet. The results of this study is junior high schoolmathematics’s learning tools on the circle material using the guided discovery model. This learning toolhas been validated by experts and received positive responses from both teachers and students whenapplied in class. So, the mathematics learning device withguided discovery models on this circle materialhas fulfilled valid, practical, and effective criteria


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    Experiments and theories are two parts that cannot be separated in studying Physics. Many theories are built on experimental data and many theories fall because they conflict with experimental data. In addition, the role of experiments can also be used to help understand a physics material obtained in class. With this regard, a development research has been carried out to determine the dielectric constant of a material through parallel plate capacitor experiments, and experimental instructions. The research was carried out through stages: literature study, tools testing, experiments: taking and analyzing data, developing practical instruction modules and testing modules to the students. The results showed that through practicum parallel plate capacitors, dielectric constant of a material can be obtained. From the results of the experiment, the value of the dielectric constant was (8.60 ± 0.01) x 10 -1 for air; (2.1 ± 0.2) for plastic; and (4.3 ± 0.2) for glass. Based on the results of testing the module practicum instructions for students of a Physics Education Study Program, it was obtained the fact that students stated that the practicum instruction module was already developed well and could assist in carrying out parallel plate capacitor practicum


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    Penyakit busuk pangkal buah yang disebabkan oleh cendawan Lasiodiplodia theobromae (sinonim: Botryodiplodia theobromae (Pat.)) merupakan salah satu penyakit pascapanen yang menjadi masalah pada buah alpukat. Kitosan merupakan senyawa alami yang berasal dari limbah kulit Crustaceae yang diketahui dapat menekan pertumbuhan cendawan sehingga berpotensi digunakan sebagai fungisida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi kitosan yang efektif dalam menekan pertumbuhan cendawan L. theobromae penyebab penyakit busuk pangkal buah alpukat secara in vitro yang telah dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Fitopatologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas dari bulan Agustus-Oktober 2016. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 7 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari kontrol, konsentrasi kitosan 0,62%, 0,87%, 1,24%, 1,76%, 2,5%, dan fungisida berbahan aktif ziram konsentrasi 1%. Parameter yang diamati adalah pertumbuhan koloni cendawan L. theobromae, luas koloni, jumlah konidia, perkecambahan konidia, berat basah, dan berat kering koloni cendawan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan Uji F dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Least Significant Difference (LSD) pada taraf nyata 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi kitosan yang efektif dalam menekan pertumbuhan cendawan L. theobromae adalah konsentrasi kitosan 1,76% dengan Tingkat Hambatan Relatif (THR) terhadap: luas koloni L. theobromae 100%, jumlah konidia 100%, perkecambahan konidia 92,85%, berat basah dan berat kering koloni cendawan 100%. Kata kunci: alpukat, busuk pangkal buah, kitosan, Lasiodiplodia theobroma


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    Penelitian yang berjudul “Penerapan Metode Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) dengan Media Kartu Pelengkap dalam Pembelajaran Membaca Teks Cerita Anak (Penelitian Eksperimen Kuasi pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 10 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015)” dilatarbelakangi oleh kesulitan siswa dalam menemukan realitas kehidupan anak yang terefleksi dalam cerita, dan menceritakan kembali cerita yang dibaca ke dalam bentuk tulisan. Adapun tiga tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu mendeskripsikan: (1) profil pembelajaran membaca teks cerita anak siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 10 Bandung; (2) proses pembelajaran membaca teks cerita anak menggunakan metode CIRC dengan media kartu pelengkap; dan (3) tingkat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan siswa membaca teks cerita anak di kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan metode CIRC dengan media kartu pelengkap dan kemampuan siswa membaca teks cerita anak di kelas kontrol yang menggunakan metode terlangsung. Sampel dalam penelitian ini masing-masing berjumlah 30 siswa pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen kuasi dengan desain nonequivalent control group design. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua perlakuan pembelajaran membaca teks cerita anak menggunakan metode CIRC dengan media kartu pelengkap yang dilakukan di kelas eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode CIRC dengan media kartu pelengkap efektif dalam pembelajaran membaca teks cerita anak. Peningkatan nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol. Nilai rata-rata tes awal kelas eksperimen adalah 63 dan tes akhir adalah 78,73. Nilai rata-rata tes awal di kelas kontrol adalah 58,87 dan tes akhir adalah 64,2. Data tersebut menunjukkan terdapat perolehan perbedaan (gain) nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen sebesar 15,73 dan perbedaan (gain) kelas kontrol sebesar 5,33. Uji hipotesis menunjukkan perolehan data dengan nilai t_hitung ≥ t_tabel, yaitu 4,49 ≥ 2,002. Berdasarkan data tersebut, dapat disimpulkan Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa metode CIRC dengan media kartu pelengkap efektif dilaksanakan dalam pembelajaran membaca teks cerita anak. ---------- The study, entitled "Method of Application of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) to the Supplementary Card Media in Learning Reading Kids Stories Text (Quasi Experimental Research in Class VII SMP Negeri 10 Bandung Academic Year 2014/2015)" backed by student difficulties in finding reality which is reflected in the child's life stories, and retell the story is read into written form. The three objectives of this research, which describe: (1) profile of children learning to read text stories seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 10 Bandung; (2) the process of learning to read text stories of children using supplementary card CIRC with the media; and (3) the level of significant difference between the experimental class students' abilities and capabilities graders. The sample in this study each class numbered 30 students in the experimental and control classes are taken by purposive sampling. The method used in this study is a quasi experimental method with nonequivalent control group design. The results showed that the method CIRC with supplementary card effective media in teaching children to read the story text. An increase in the average value of the experimental class is higher than the control class. The average value of the initial test experimental class is 63 and the final test is 78.73. The average value of the initial test in the control class was 58.87 and the final test is 64.2. Hypothesis testing shows the data acquisition with a value ≥ t_hitung t_tabel, namely 4.49 ≥ 2.002. Based on these data, it can be concluded that Ho refused and Ha accepted. This shows that the method CIRC with a complementary card media effectively implemented in teaching children to read the text story
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